A dog looks at you and tilts its head | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection
A dog looks at you and tilts its head | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

How Do I Get Rid of Fleas on My Dog?

Even a few fleas can quickly become a big problem. NexGard® (afoxolaner) is vet-recommended flea and tick protection. NexGard chews prevent future flea infestations by killing fleas fast, before they have the chance to lay eggs.

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A woman sits on the couch while petting her dog | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Getting Rid of Fleas on Dogs

If you need to know how to get rid of fleas on dogs, the answer is simple. NexGard chews effectively kill existing fleas and prevent future infestations.

However, if you have an existing flea infestation before starting your dog on a flea control product, additional steps may be needed to help remove developing flea stages (eggs, larvae, and pupae) from your home. Here are some simple tips to reduce the number of developing flea stages in your dog’s environment.

The number 4 placed in a circle | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

4 Tips to Help Eliminate Flea Infestations

1. Vacuum

Reduce the number of flea eggs, larvae, and pupae in your dog’s environment by vacuuming the areas where your dog spends most of their time. Empty the contents of the vacuum into a sealed bag, and quickly dispose of it outside of your house.

2. Wash your pet’s bedding

Use hot water and dry at the highest setting.

3. Consult a professional

In extreme cases of infestation, consulting with a professional pest control specialist may be helpful. 

4. Provide monthly protection

Even after the infestation has been eliminated, continue to make NexGard chews part of your dog’s monthly care.

How Do I Know if My Dog Has Fleas?

If your dog has fleas, they might bite or chew their skin until it becomes red and inflamed. Adult fleas are small, brown bugs that jump away as you search your dog’s fur. When you brush your dog, you may also notice black flecks of flea dirt (literally, flea feces) on their fur. Check by smearing those flecks on a wet paper towel: when you wet flea dirt, it becomes red or rust-colored.

A golden retriever scratches its neck in the backyard | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection
A golden retriever scratches its neck in the backyard | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Does an “Indoor Dog” Need to Be on Flea Treatment?

In short, yes—fleas are opportunists. Even if your dog only goes outside to relieve themselves, they’re at risk of infestations. Fleas can even “hitchhike” into a home on people, and then jump to infest dogs. An infested pet will spread flea eggs throughout the house, which can survive in your carpet or the crannies of your wood floors and then develop into adult fleas that can infest other animals in your home.

A puppy plays with a toy on the floor | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection
A puppy plays with a toy on the floor | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

How Does Flea Protection for Dogs Work?

When you give your dog flea protection, the active ingredient protects them by spreading throughout their body, killing fleas no matter where they bite. Administer your dog’s flea protection on the recommended schedule to keep them protected all year long.

A woman gives her dog NexGard | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection
A woman gives her dog NexGard | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Sick of fleas? Defend your dog from tip to tail with monthly flea protection.

Make Monthly Flea and Tick Protection Delicious

A vet holding the package of NexGard | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Get Protection From Your Vet

Ask your vet about NexGard chews—they’re vet-recommended flea and tick protection.

A dog eats a NexGard chew from a hand | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Give Your Dog NexGard Chews

NexGard chews are bite-sized doses of beef-flavored deliciousness, and dogs love them.1

A dog chases a ball in a field of yellow flowers

Enjoy Protection

Each dose of NexGard chews lasts for a full month of adventure, and you’ll love how easy it is to protect your pet.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fleas

Why Do Flea Bites Itch?

When fleas feed from a host, some of their saliva gets injected into the skin. This can lead to discomfort, irritation, and itchiness in your dog.2

How Do Fleas Reproduce?

The flea life cycle is broken down into 4 stages. Adult female fleas lay eggs that hatch into wormy larvae. The larvae spin cocoons and become pupae. When they’re ready, the pupae emerge from their cocoons as adult fleas to find a host and start the cycle over.3 The entire life cycle can be completed in as few as 2-3 weeks, but can take up to 4 months or longer depending on environmental conditions. Because an adult flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day, even just a few fleas untreated on a host can lead to an infestation.

Do Fleas Lay Eggs on Dogs?

Adult female fleas can only lay eggs after feeding, which means they always lay eggs on their host.3 The eggs are smooth and oval, so they quickly fall off your dog and settle into the environment. Flea eggs can end up in your carpet, between floorboards, and in your furniture or bedding. However, most flea eggs will land in the areas where your dog spends most of their time.

Can I Get Fleas From My Dog?

It is rare that fleas will jump from your dog onto you, as fleas typically will not leave their host. However, if there is an existing flea infestation in your environment, new fleas that are seeking a host may jump on a person and bite them. Because fleas cannot survive on humans alone, they will eventually jump off in search of a more suitable host.

Heartworm disease is a year-round threat. Pair up NexGard chews with a heartworm disease preventive.