NexGard chews

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Are NexGard chews safe?

NexGard chews are both effective and safe. NexGard chews have been evaluated extensively in both laboratory clinical studies as well as in field trials in dogs. They are vet-recommended flea and tick protection for dogs, with over 300 million doses prescribed in the US.1 The most frequently reported adverse reactions include vomiting, itching, lethargy, diarrhea, and lack of appetite.

Can NexGard chews be used in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs?

The safe use of NexGard chews in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs has not been evaluated. 

Can NexGard chews be used with other medications?

In a well-controlled field study, NexGard chews were used concomitantly with other medications, such as vaccines, anthelmintics, antibiotics (including topicals), steroids, NSAIDS, anesthetics, and antihistamines, and no adverse reactions were observed. 


Is there a weight or age requirement to give my dog NexGard chews?

NexGard chews are safe for dogs and puppies as young as 8 weeks, weighing 4 pounds or more.  

How long does a dose in a NexGard chew last, and how often should I administer to my dog?

Each NexGard chew protects your dog for 1 full month. It is important to ensure that your dog receives 1 NexGard chew each month to keep your dog protected all year long. 

Can I start dosing my dog with NexGard chews at any time during the year?

Treatment with NexGard chews may begin at any time of the year.

How do I give NexGard chews to my dog, and what do I do if they spit it up?

NexGard chews can be administered with or without food. Care should be taken that the dog consumes the complete dose, and treated animals should be observed for a few minutes to ensure that part of the dose is not lost or refused. If it is suspected that any of the dose has been lost or if vomiting occurs within 2 hours of administration, re-dose with another full dose. If a dose is missed, administer NexGard chews and resume a monthly dosing schedule.

What sizes and options are NexGard chews available in?

NexGard chews come in packs containing 3 or 6 beef-flavored chewables, and they are available in 4 different weight sizes: small (4-10 pounds), medium (10.1-24 pounds), large (24.1-60 pounds), and extra large (60.1-121 pounds).


How do NexGard chews work?

NexGard chews contain afoxolaner, which is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream after administration. When fleas and ticks ingest blood containing afoxolaner, it causes hyperexcitation and death in these parasites.

What do NexGard chews kill?

NexGard chews have been carefully designed to quickly kill fleas and ticks for a full month, killing fleas before they have a chance to lay eggs. NexGard chews are approved by the FDA to prevent Lyme disease infections by killing black-legged ticks. It also kills lone star ticks, American dog ticks, brown dog ticks, and the Asian longhorned tick.

How fast do NexGard chews kill fleas?

In a well-controlled laboratory study, NexGard chews began to kill fleas 4 hours after initial administration and demonstrated >99% effectiveness at 8 hours.

Why am I still seeing fleas on my dog after using NexGard chews?

You are likely seeing NEW fleas on your pet, which are jumping on your dog as they move through infested areas. These fleas will be killed quickly by NexGard chews before they can reproduce. Depending on the severity of an already existing infestation as well as environmental conditions, you may continue to see new fleas jumping on your pet for 3 months or more. To prevent new infestations, continue to give NexGard chews MONTHLY throughout the year.

Do NexGard chews need to be used even if I have an “indoor dog”?

Yes—fleas are opportunists. Even if your dog only goes outside to relieve themselves, they’re at risk of infestations from fleas and ticks. Fleas can even “hitchhike” into a home on people and then jump to infest dogs. An infested pet will spread flea eggs throughout the house, which can survive in your carpet or the crannies of your wood floors and then mature to infest other animals in your home.

What is the best number to call regarding any NexGard chews product questions?

For any specific product questions, please call Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health at 1-888-637-4251.

What are the signs of fleas on dogs?

Fleas can cause itchy, painful skin conditions on your dog. Signs of fleas include scratching or biting at the skin, hair loss, scabs, and irritation.

What happens if fleas go untreated in dogs?

If fleas go untreated, they can quickly multiply to cause an infestation. A single adult female flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day, which means that a small number of fleas can grow into the thousands.2 An infested dog will scatter flea eggs throughout their home environment, and over a period of weeks to months, these eggs can develop into adult fleas, which can infest other animals.

Can my dog’s fleas go away on their own?

If your dog has fleas, they won’t go away on their own. In fact, they’ll multiply, with an infested dog shedding flea eggs throughout the house. The developing flea stages (which include flea eggs and larvae) can survive in carpets and the cracks of wood floors for months at a time. Immature fleas in the environment will become adults, starting the cycle of infestation over.

Can dogs get sick from ticks?

Yes—ticks are carriers for several dangerous diseases. If a tick that is carrying a pathogen bites a dog, that dog is at risk of becoming infected as well. The most commonly diagnosed tick-borne disease in the US is Lyme disease, which is transmitted by the black-legged tick and caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Signs of Lyme disease in dogs include fever, lameness, joint swelling, lethargy, and even serious kidney damage.3 NexGard chews are labeled to prevent Lyme infections as a direct result of killing black-legged ticks.

What happens if I don’t remove a tick from my dog?

If you don’t remove a tick from your dog, the tick will become bloated from its blood meal (the blood that it has withdrawn from its host animal). Blood meals are necessary for the tick life cycle: adult female ticks need this blood meal to produce eggs.

Furthermore, if a tick is infected with a disease-causing pathogen and is not removed, it has a chance to pass along this infection to the host. That’s how black-legged ticks transmit Lyme disease: they pass it along through their saliva while feeding.

What are the signs of ticks on dogs?

Ticks can be hard to spot on dogs. Since they bite the skin—underneath your dog’s fur—it can be difficult to locate them. They also may bite hard-to-reach areas, such as under the neck or beneath the armpits. Your dog may scratch at or gnaw on tick bite locations. Ticks can also transmit various life-threatening tick-borne illnesses, including Lyme disease. Remember, NexGard chews are labeled to kill 5 species of ticks, including black-legged ticks that can transmit Lyme infections.