A woman scratches her cat's head | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection
A woman scratches her cat's head | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Can My Cat Get Fleas?

Cats are just as susceptible to flea infestations as dogs, even indoor cats. It’s important to recognize the risks of fleas and understand what can be done to protect your cat. Keep reading to learn how to spot fleas on your cat and learn how a monthly protection product like NexGard® COMBO (esafoxolaner, eprinomectin, and praziquantel topical solution) can help eliminate the need to deal with fleas.

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An orange cat scratches its chin | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Signs of Fleas on Cats

Since cats are such good groomers, they will often groom off some of the fleas before you see them. It’s not uncommon to notice other signs of fleas, even before seeing them on your cat. 


These signs include:

  • Scratching
  • Hair loss
  • Skin irritation
  • Small crusty bumps on the skin 
  • Excessive grooming  
  • Flea dirt (flea feces) in your cat’s fur
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A calico cat gets pet | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

How Do Cats Get Fleas?

All cats are susceptible to flea infestations, even indoor cats. Fleas can easily enter your home from you or another pet in the house. They can also jump from pet to pet, no matter the species.


As flea-infested animals move through the environment (outside or inside), flea eggs drop from their coats into their surroundings. In fact, flea eggs and larvae can be present in carpets, bedding, and furniture, allowing the infestation to persist and affect your cat. This is why regular flea control is so important.

A white cat scratches itself | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Are Fleas Harmful to Cats?

If you notice fleas on your cat, you should take action to eliminate them immediately. Flea bites aren’t just painful, they can negatively impact your cat’s health, too. Excessive scratching can lead to skin problems and may cause your cat a lot of stress and discomfort. Fleas can also transmit tapeworms. In extreme cases, heavy flea infestations can cause anemia in cats.1 A monthly parasiticide such as NexGard COMBO topical solution will protect your cat from fleas.

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A kitten looks at you | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

How Do You Treat Cats for Fleas?

In addition to regularly scheduled vet visits, you can treat fleas on cats by giving them year-round, monthly protection with a product like NexGard COMBO topical solution that kills fleas and ticks, prevents heartworm disease, treats and controls roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.


NexGard COMBO topical solution is safe for kittens 8 weeks of age or older, weighing 1.8 pounds or more.

How Do I Get Rid of an Infestation?

Before starting your cat on a flea control product, such as NexGard COMBO topical solution, it’s important to take steps to remove developing flea stages from your home:2


  • • To reduce the number of flea eggs, larvae, and pupae in  your cat’s environment, you can vacuum the areas where your cat spends most of its time and dispose of the  contents outside in a sealed bag.
  • • You should also wash your cat’s bedding using hot water, and dry on the highest dryer setting.
  • • As it may take months to clear up an existing infestation, it may be helpful to consult  with a professional pest control specialist.
  • • Even after the infestation has been eliminated, it’s  recommended to provide monthly medication such as NexGard COMBO topical solution for cats as part of their  monthly care.

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