A man looks at his cat | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection
A man looks at his cat | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Cats and Fleas: What You Need to Know

Fleas on your cat can be more than an irritant. They can become a health issue for your cat. The information below will help you understand what health issues fleas can cause for your cat, how cats get fleas, how to check your cat for fleas, as well as how to treat your cat for flea infestations. It’s always a good idea to talk to your vet about flea protection, including​​​​​​​ NexGard® COMBO (esafoxolaner, eprinomectin, and praziquantel topical solution) for cats.

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A cat scratches under its chin | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Common Flea Diseases in Cats

Flea bites can cause intense itching and irritation in animals.2 Some cats may develop an allergic reaction to flea saliva, resulting in redness, swelling, and the formation of small blisters and hair loss. Constant scratching due to flea bites can break the skin and lead to secondary bacterial infections. Fleas can also transmit tapeworms.

A cat hangs lazily off of a stool | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Ways Your Cat Might Get Fleas

Wildlife that can make their way into your backyard, such as raccoons, mice, possums, and others, carry fleas and leave behind flea eggs. Both can easily enter your home carried in by you or another pet in the house. Fleas can easily jump from pet to pet, no matter the species. Flea eggs and larvae can be present in carpets, bedding, and furniture, allowing the infestation to persist and affect cats.

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A cat gets scratches on its head | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

How Do I Check My Cat for Fleas?

  1. Run your fingers through your cat’s fur, looking for fleas or other signs of a flea infestation. Examine your cat’s coat closely. In addition to seeing fleas, there are several other signs (such as hair loss or small crusty bumps on your cat’s skin) that can be caused by a flea infestation. While fleas can be found anywhere, be sure to check your cat’s belly and base of their tail.

  2. Use a flea comb, which will catch fleas, flea eggs, and flea dirt that are in the coat. To know if what you’re seeing is flea dirt and not just actual dirt, you can perform a flea dirt test. Pick up some of the black flecks with a flea comb. When smeared on a damp paper towel, flea dirt will turn red.1

  3. Watch your cat’s behavior. Fleas can cause significant irritation, which can cause a change in your cat’s mood or behavior. Your cat may appear more restless or show other signs of discomfort from the flea infestation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fleas on Cats

Can indoor cats get fleas?

Yes. Although your indoor cat may be at a lower risk of getting fleas, she can still get them.

Are there any natural remedies to treat cat fleas?

Combing your cat’s fur daily with a dedicated flea comb can help. Make sure to concentrate on the neck, armpits, groin, and base of the tail. Remember, this suggestion won’t kill fleas. When it comes to treating your cat for fleas, always consult with your veterinarian. 

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A vet inspects a kitten | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Key Takeaways About Ticks on Cats

  • Fleas on your cat can become a health issue. Your veterinarian can help.
  • Check your cat for fleas often. As it may take months to eliminate fleas from your home after a flea infestation, the sooner you stop an infestation the better.
  • Always consult with your vet when it comes to your cat’s health.
  • Ask your vet about NexGard COMBO topical solution for cats.

One-And-Done Monthly Protection for Cats

All cats need parasite protection. NexGard COMBO topical solution is the first and only product specifically formulated for cats that protects against fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms in one easy-to-apply topical solution. It’s safe for kittens 8 weeks of age and older, weighing 1.8 lbs or more.


NexGard Combo Topical Solution


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