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Dog playing with rope toy in grass yard | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Common Questions About Heartworm Disease in Dogs

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition. Fortunately, it is preventable with the use of monthly preventive medications such as NexGard® PLUS (afoxolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel chewable tablets).

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Mosquito on blade of grass | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Heartworm Disease in Dogs

Heartworm disease is a serious and oftentimes fatal disease caused by a parasitic worm called Dirofilaria immitis. It is transmitted through a single bite from an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes carry the immature form of the heartworm after feeding from an infected host. After biting its next host, heartworm larvae work their way to the heart, pulmonary artery, and adjacent large blood vessels.

Where Is Heartworm Disease Found?

Heartworm disease can be found in many parts of the world, including temperate and tropical regions—most prevalent in areas with high mosquito populations, such as humid environments and areas near bodies of water. In the United States, heartworm disease has been diagnosed in all 50 states.1 Talk to your veterinarian to see how prevalent it is in your area.


What Do Heartworms Do to the Dog?

Once inside your dog’s body, the heartworm larvae migrate through the tissues and eventually reach the heart and lungs. Adult heartworms can grow up to 12 inches in length and can live for several years. Heartworms live and feed in the heart, lungs, and associated blood vessels, causing damage and impairing the organs’ normal functions. They can also cause inflammation, obstruction of blood flow, and damage the heart and lung tissues. The presence of heartworms can lead to severe health issues, including coughing, difficulty breathing, fatigue, weight loss, and death if left untreated.


Heartworm Disease Treatment

You never want to hear that your dog has heartworms. Fortunately, most infected dogs can be successfully treated. Heartworm disease treatment can be costly and difficult, requiring multiple veterinary visits and months of exercise restriction to prevent complications.2,3


Prevention is the best treatment. Heartworm disease preventives are safe and easy to give. Ask your vet about preventive products such as NexGard® PLUS (afoxolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel chewable tablets) for dogs.

Common Myths About Heartworm Disease in Dogs

Myth: Heartworm disease isn’t an issue unless you live in a warm climate.

Fact: Heartworm infection has been reported in all 50 US states.1 Climate or geographic region doesn’t matter. All it takes is one bite from an infected mosquito.

Myth: Why bother with prevention? I can just treat heartworm disease if my dog gets it.

Fact: Treating heartworm infection isn’t easy or cheap. Your dog will need several months of an injectable treatment to kill off the worms slowly and carefully. You’ll also need to pull back on your dog’s physical activity because overworking their lungs can be dangerous during treatment.2 Treatment can also be expensive.3

Myth: My dog is on a heartworm disease prevention product and doesn’t need to be tested.

Fact: Although products such as NexGard PLUS chews are incredibly effective, annual testing is highly recommended. Annual testing is necessary, even when dogs are on heartworm prevention year-round, to ensure that the prevention program is working. Heartworm preventives are highly effective, but not 100 percent effective. If you don’t get your dog tested, you won’t know your dog needs treatment.1

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Dog on floor next to food bowl | NEXGARD® Parasite Protection

Key Takeaways About Heartworm Disease in Dogs

  • Heartworm disease is serious and could be fatal if left untreated. All it takes is one bite from an infected mosquito. Make sure to test your dog annually.


  • Heartworm disease has been diagnosed in all 50 US states.1 Ask your vet about heartworms in your area.


  • Monthly, year-round prevention is key to help keep your dog protected from heartworm disease. Talk to your vet about heartworm disease prevention, such as NexGard PLUS.

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